Yoga Sculptures charge your mind and body with positive energy. Hindu gods depict the Yoga Posture which brings the positive energy, wisdom and peace. Buddha is the great example of intense meditation or contemplation The Buddha statue is for people who are either looking for peace and clam in their lives, or for those who wish to improve their own meditation skills. People will often buy a Meditation Buddha if they want to set up a "serenity room" or a corner of their house where they can sit in calm for a little while and unwind.

Krishna Dancing on Kaliya Serpent carved stone Sculpture artisan crafted unique yoga gift

Radha Krishna Fluting under Kadambari Tree Spiritual Divine Love Artisan Carved Stone Sculptures

Standing Brass Hanuman Statue of Hanuman Brass Figurines Religious Gift

Sculpture of A Warrior Goddess Durga Statue Altar Idol Meditation Hand Carved Stone Sculpture

Shri Gajmukh Ganesha Stone Statue Religious Lord Sculpture God of Success Decorative

Garuda Vishnu Vahan yOGA Temple Decor Idol Meditation Stone Statue Indian Sculpture Spirituality

Artisan carved Handmade Figurine Sculpture Hindu God Vishnu Stone Statue Yoga Spiritual Gift

Artisan carved Vintage 6" Yoga Decor Statue Standing Vishnu Sculpture Temple Puja Idol Gorara Stone

Shiva with Deer Brass Statue Hindu God Idol Yoga Sculpture Home Temple Spiritual Décor Gift

Brass Krishna Statue Standing Krishna Playing the Flute Figurine Brass Idol For Worship, Temple and Decor

Studio Decor Lord Krishna Brass Sculpture Playing Flute 7 Inch Religious Gift

Krishna Dancing On Serpent Kaliya handcrafted artisan yoga spiritual eclectic gift idea

Krishna Statue Playing Flute with Cow Prosperity Love spiritual yoga gift

Vintage Meditating Buddha Temple Sculpture Yali Lion Arch Frame Brass Statue Yoga Studio Conscious Decor

Indian Vintage Vitarka Mudra Standing Buddha Brass Statue Yoga Spiritual Meditation Decor

Buddhist YOGA SPIRITUAL Standing Buddha Brass Statue UNIQUE Gift

Ganesha Spiritual Carved Precious Stone Statue Playing With Cymbals Decorative Statue

Good Luck OM Ganesha Sculpture Home Decor Lord Ganesha Statue

Ganesha Statue Hindu Elephant Playing Tabla Statue Religious Lord Sculpture God of Success

Ganesha Idol Figurine Gorara Stone Statue Meditation Sculpture Lord of Success Remover of Obstacles

Divine And Exquisite Lord Krishna playing the flute with cow Home Decorative

Stone Statue Kali Ma Goddess for Hindu Temple Puja Mandir

Parashu Rama Stone Statue Decorative Sculpture

Kali Statue Standing on Body of Shiva Sculpture Temple Decor

Ganesha Playing with Flute Good Luck Stone Statue Home Relaxing Garden Decor

Ganesha Stone Statue Playing Violin Seated on Lotus Base handcarved stone Meditation YOGA ALTAR GIFT

Resting Ganesha Stone Statue Yoga Elephant Sculpture

Tibet Buddhism Temple Brass Bronze Lie horizontal Sleep Sakyamuni Buddha Statue

Ganesha Spiritual Hand Carved Stone Statue Playing With Cymbals

Musical Ganesha Statue Hindu Elephant Playing Tabla Statue Religious Lord Sculpture God of Success

Ganesha Blessing Sculpture Spiritual Carved Precious Stone Statue Playing With Cymbals Decorative Statue

10" Lord Ganesha Statue With Mahakala Arch Hand Crafted Temple Decor Sculpture

Spiritual Gift Lord Hanuman Idols Hindu Monkey God Stone Statue

Antique Brass Indian Hindu God Lord Krishna Statue Playing Flute with Cow Figurine Sculpture Home Decorative Showpiece

Yoga Room Vintage Sitting Ganesha Brass Statue Hindu Gods Sculpture Zen Interior

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